The Kids are still reading comics and now they're writing them, as well.
Beginning next week they'll be back to reviewing, covering their favorite comic(s) of the week at
See you there!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
More Comics from Liam and Ethan
The Gathering and GrayHaven Comics is in the midst of another Kickstart campaign to raise money for printing and promoting more Gathering comics.
Aside from some great rewards offered for donating, all those who pledge will have exclusive access to a number stories from issues 1-3 and previews of issues 4-6 including Liam and Ethan's acclaimed 8 page Circus of Crime story from issue 3.
Aside from some great rewards offered for donating, all those who pledge will have exclusive access to a number stories from issues 1-3 and previews of issues 4-6 including Liam and Ethan's acclaimed 8 page Circus of Crime story from issue 3.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The Gathering Volume 2: The Other Side of Despair Now Available

The Gathering Volume 2 is the second issue of my dad's comic book that he started last year. Me and my brother have a story in this one just like we did in the first issue and it's about our Niteraven character again.
The first issue was really good but this one is even better. The cover is cooler, the stories are cooler and there are people that do comics all the time that helped with this one. Gail Simone who writes for DC Comics and does Secret Six and Birds of Prey wrote a story here. So did Brian Koschak who draws Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
You can order the comic at and you can sign up to be a fan of the Facebook page there, too. There is also the twitter page where a lot of Gathering Comic stuff is talked about at
Saturday, December 4, 2010
24 Hours to Go for the Kickstarter Fundraiser
Hi Everyone,
24 hours to go in our Kickstarter pledge drive. Find out all about my newest project, The Gathering and GrayHaven Comics as well as some exclusive previews of upcoming issues.
There is still a little time to donate and receive some cool rewards so spread the word and help us out.
24 hours to go in our Kickstarter pledge drive. Find out all about my newest project, The Gathering and GrayHaven Comics as well as some exclusive previews of upcoming issues.
There is still a little time to donate and receive some cool rewards so spread the word and help us out.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Batman #703

Batman #703
Written by Fabian Nicieza and illustrated by Cliff Richards
Published by DC Comics
Liam: The story is about Batman, Robin and Red Robin going after a thief that keeps getting away from them. Red Robin hasn’t worked with the new Batman and Robin much so I liked that he was in this book helping out.
The thief keeps getting away and they have to chase him through the sewers. Damian, the new Robin, is mad that he has to get all dirty and Batman, Dick Grayson who used to be the first Robin, wants to yell at him about it but Batman remembers when he was younger and he was still Robin. When he was Robin he was yelling at Batman about why they weren’t going after a bad guy, too.
Ethan: Damian is always arguing. I like how he was mad about going into the sewer. It’s kind of funny that he thinks he’s so smart and tough even though he’s only a kid.
Liam: He thinks he’s so cool. Dick Grayson goes to a reporter that used to be Bruce Wayne’s girlfriend. He is upset that she was writing a story about the thief and she makes it seems that she knows he’s really Batman. He says that she is going to need proof or she should stop talking about it and then the comic shows that she has a camera on her bag that is taking pictures of him.
Ethan: My favorite part was when Damian is training in the Batbunker.
Liam: Yeah, I like how he was doing all of the obstacle courses. That was one of my favorite parts, too.
Ethan: I like how they showed him flipping through all the hoops and doing all the stunts.
Liam: I also liked the part where Batman remembered when he was Robin. It’s pretty cool that the story kind of continued. The old Robin had a cool uniform. I like the colors and mask and cape a lot better on the old costume. And it’s awesome that he grew up from being Bruce Wayne’s partner and is now Batman himself.
Ethan: The old Robin is cool but I like Damian’s suit better. I like the hood he wears sometimes. I want to go as Damian for Halloween or to a comic convention
Liam: Batman and Robin go to a fancy party where they think the thief is going to attack and he does end up attacking. They use the flying Batmobile to go after the thief and Batman tells Robin that he knows it’s a girl by the way she moves.
Ethan: The flying Batmobile is really cool. That was one of the parts I really liked in the comic.
Liam: It’s awesome. So the thief is trying to get away Red Robin has done something to the car so she can’t leave. Right when Red Robin is about to arrest the thief Batman remembers again when he was young and Bruce Wayne Batman let a thief go. This girl thief is the daughter of the person that Bruce Wayne stopped a long time ago. He was stealing medical stuff because he was very sick and Batman felt bad so he let him go but used all his money to secretly pay for the stuff that was stolen.
Ethan: She wasn’t a big villain like the Joker or Killer Croc or someone like that so I guess they didn’t think she was that dangerous.
Liam: And Batman felt bad for her. I liked how all the members of Batman’s team worked together. They were like brothers taking care of crime when Bruce Wayne is gone and Alfred is like the granddad.
Ethan: Damian wants to be the favorite. He’s really funny. Batman and Robin is my favorite comic right now because Damian is in it a lot. But this comic was really good too because of all the people that were in it.
Liam: Damian is great. He should really get his own book, too. The only think I didn’t like is that I really don’t know why everyone has black hair. I don’t get it. They could make some of the characters different. They all look the same and especially with their masks off it’s kind of hard to tell who’s who until they say their names.
Ethan: It is hard to tell them apart sometimes. That’s why it’s cooler when they’re all in costumes. But I still liked this comic a lot.
Liam: Me too. I want to see more of all the Batman good guys hanging out and working together. I think it’s really interesting.
Our Rating: 10 out of 10
The Kids' Reviews Are Back
Starting today, the boys will be back reviewing comics on what they hope to be a weekly basis. Each week they're going to pick a book or two that they liked the most and talk about it here.
Also, their first ever comic book story, illustrated by Michael Lapinski came out recently in The Gathering Volume 1. Copies can be ordered here at
They're hard at work on their stories for Volumes 2 and 3 right now.
Also, their first ever comic book story, illustrated by Michael Lapinski came out recently in The Gathering Volume 1. Copies can be ordered here at
They're hard at work on their stories for Volumes 2 and 3 right now.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Promoting Their Own Comic: The Gathering
Hi everyone. Dad here. The boys haven't been posting as much with a busy school and little league season though that should end soon. They also took part in an anthology project that I created involving over 20 talented creators pretty much new to comics so Gathering Volume 1 will mark their official comic publishing debut.
As expected they're pretty psyched about it and they were joined by Michael Lapinski, a very gifted artist who brought their story to life.
Subtitled "The Thing with Feathers", Volume 1 is a 32 page black and white anthology with the central theme being 'Hope'. And while my intention wasn't to do so, the final product appropriately enough ended up being something that is suitable for all ages. While this isn't a book aimed at kids, there is no language or violence inside that would be seen as objectionable.
The reason I'm posting this time instead of the boys is because we had so much fun working on Volume 1 that we want to do it more often. A lot more often. A new cast of creators is already fast at work on Volume 2 and the plan is to be able to eventually start putting out anywhere from 3 to 6 issues a year, everything from short anthologies to longer stories. Where the dream of doing that ends, the reality of the cost of such an idea begins. Thankfully someone brought my attention to a great website called Kickstarter which is set up for creative types to pitch their ideas to the masses and ask for pledges to fund their ideas.
Our goal is to raise 2500 dollars by the end of July. It’s a lot of money, but not an impossible goal. And yeah it does seem strange to be asking complete strangers to donate money in a tough economy to something that isn’t going to change the world but I do believe in this project and the creators involved with it.
I want to be able to create something where new talent can come and tell a story if they want to without having to figure out how to self publish on their own or trying to pitch to a major company. I think we’ve done that with this first anthology and I’m certainly excited about the potential for the future, which is why the Kickstarter campaign is so important.
So if you have a few extra dollars to spare and want to help support an up and coming comic line intent on giving new creators a place to shine, please head on over to the link and make a pledge. We also have some fun rewards available like signed books, sketches and appearances in a future comic if you so decide.
Thanks for your time and the boys should be back with a few new reviews next week.
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